Good times, delivered

Discover better wines and their stories

3 bottle value: $60
3 bottle membership: $49/box

Your first box: $29

(3 bottles + the monthly magazine + free shipping)

"Deliciously obscure varieties and historic bottlings worth rediscovering"

"You'll appreciate the selections made by the populist grape juice fairies at Wine Awesomeness"

"A thoroughly modern wine club"

How it works

We hunt down wines you wouldn't find otherwise.

Your box and magazine are delivered to your door each month.

You discover amazing wines and the stories behind them.

No obligations. Cancel, skip or switch preferences whenever.

Goodies for our members

non-members members
No membership fees or hidden costs
Magazine with tasting notes, recipe pairings and more -
Up to 25% off all wines in our Wine Shop -
First dibs on wine from past membership boxes -
3 bottles of wine $60

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